Family is a place where love overflows, a peaceful haven after a long day of working. However, to nurture this nest to always be happy and close-knit, understanding and expressing love in an appropriate way is extremely important.

In this talk show, you will join Takashimaya to explore the secrets of love languages and thereby understand how family members express and receive love.

Especially the program will feature famous guests such as:

  • Miss Do Nhat Ha
  • English teacher – Le Tieu Linh
  • Inspirational speaker – Danny Vo
  • MC Quoc Viet

Time: 18:00 – 19:30, June 23, 2024

Location: Level 3, Ho Chi Minh City Takashimaya Department Store

Moreover, Takashimaya enhances the customer experience with fun workshops for families:

  • Mold adorable animals from air clay
  • Make a cute phone strap with personalized names
  • Decorate nails with fun & cute stickers

Time: 10:00 – 16:30, June 25, 2024

Location: Level 3, Ho Chi Minh City Takashimaya Department Store

Let’s join Takashimaya on the Talk show “LOVE IS LOVE” to unlock new love languages and learn how to express love to your loved ones!